Monday night was the night that Bachelor Nation has been
waiting for since we received the thrilling news that the next Bachelorette
would be beautiful Jojo (over boring Caila)---the season premier of The Bachelorette featuring Jojo and the
Boyz. This season the Marketing staff
got a friggin’ clue (after the mess that was “the perfect Ben” ad campaign last
season) and are using the Demi Lovato song “Confident” as their signature jam.
Hell yes!
In the premiere, Jojo showed us just how confident she
is---encouraging the guys to RELAX (yes yes yes girl, gaslight these
beefcakes!), repeatedly saying that they’re going to have so much fun, and
making some decisive calls (sorry, Coley with the weird shaped head).
The episode opened up with a montage of reminders about what
lead Jojo to this—a shot of Ben telling Jojo that he loves her while they sit
in a sit in a waterfall, then a shot of Ben telling Jojo that he loves somebody
else more while they stand on a platform above a brook. Heartbreak and assorted waterways don’t
mix. But Jojo has learned a lot, she’s
grateful for that experience, and now it’s her turn!
Who better to advise her than 3 ladies who have been through
this gauntlet before: Ali Fedetowsky (who has somehow become an Instagram
“celebrity” from what I can tell and yes, I follow her Instagram (but hey, I
also follow LukePerryDaily and an IG account is random pictures from 2009, so
my taste is horrible)), Desiree (snooze), and Kaitlyn (HOLY BRONZER OVERLOAD
WHAT WAS GOING ON THERE?). They give her the obvious advice—think about
compatibility, take a step back every so often, don’t fuck Nick Vialli, and put
the guys you like first on the back burner. Desiree tells Jojo that this is
“one of the hardest things you’ll do, but one of the most rewarding.”
REALLY? Is this an 8 week vacation of
tonsil hockey with assorted hotties or is this Teach for America?
Before we know it, Jojo is getting dolled up for the suitors
arrivals and standing outside the Bachelor Manse, ready to meet her fate. We all know that I generally HATE any flesh
toned clothing (no matter what your flesh tone), but I must say that I LOVED
Jojo’s dress. Fantastic sparkles, great
neckline, flattering mermaid cut—all good, all around.
Then it was time to, as Jojo said, “bring on the men!” And
so we met…
-Jordan, former professional football player who is a
HOTTIE. Wow. He makes a great impression on Jojo throughout the night and they
have instant chemistry.
-Derek, commercial banker with big ears, no tie. No thank
-Grant, 28, firefighter from San Fran who is HOT, but
probably shouldn’t have lead with last season’s Ben “I love you”-gate.
-James F., boxing club owner in a black suit, red tie. His
outfit is a lil bit 1990s Mafioso but I can dig it. I like this one--he seems funny and smart.
-Robby, 27, Floridian former competitive swimmer who rolls
up with a bottle of wine for them to drink and Jojo makes a great joke about
her mother.
-Alex, 25, tiny U.S. Marine guy who is hot, but whose suit
is much too small. Did anyone else notice it? Jacket was about to bust off of
him and the pants were very short—no thank you.
-Will, Jersey City, NJ, 26, who gets out of the limo with
notecards (lines?) and they are out of order and he does an overwrought bit
about mixing up the order and saying something funny. Stop trying to hard,
-Chad, luxury real estate agent from Tulsa OK who is WAY TOO
MUCH TOO SOON. He intertwines his fingers with Jojo and is much too physical.
Get some boundaries, kid.
-Daniel, 31, Canada. Another dark suit, dark tie, which is a
pretty severe look. He says “Damn Jojo, back at it again as the next
Bachelorette” and somehow expects her to know that it’s based on a quote from a
video that went viral for about 3 days back in the spring. Don’t you realize
that when that video was going viral, Jojo was busy at the gym getting in
friggin’ SHAPE for this season?
-Ali, 27, Persian piano player who has a sort of rumpled
look about him, but mama likes it.
-James Taylor, 27, a singer-songwriter who OPTS TO GO BY
JAMES TAYLOR even though there’s already a PREEEETTY successful
singer-songwriter named James Taylor on the scene. Anyone with half a brain
would go by Jim or James T. or maybe his middle name, but not JAMES TAYLOR! I
hate this guy already. Also, please stop serenading everyone in the house—it’s
tedious as hell.
-Jonathan, 27, Canadian dude who is half Chinese, half
Scottish and rolls up in a suit jacket and kilt then makes a joke about penis
size. Yikes!
-Santa – who knows who this guy is, but I think his name is
Nick and apparently he needed to sweat off some weight because he kept that
damn Santa suit and beard on ALL NIGHT LONG (all night).
-Chase, 27, Colorado, medical sales guy who wore sunglasses
with a moustache attached and made pun jokes (the worst). He revealed himself
to be hot later, though, so I like him, because looks are all I care about.
-Jake, 27, landscape architect from CA – didn’t leave much
of an impression.
-Sal, FL, 28, gives her blue balls and makes a blue balls
joke. Eww.
-Coley, 27, Chicago. When you have a misshapen head, maybe
DON’T slick your hair back to highlight how pointy it is, mmmK?
-Brandon, 28, “hipster” (don’t you mean “rich kid”?) from
LA. Long, floppy hair and a blasé attitude, but at least he’s familiar with the
“Damn Daniel” viral video, so there’s that.
-James S., 27, Bachelor Superfan from Arizona who resembles
Mr. Potato Head wearing white eyeliner (sorry so harsh but I AM CORRECT IN THIS
-Nick S., 26, San Fran, light suit, made ZERO impression.
-Vinny, a walking stereotype: he’s 28, a DJ, and lives in
-Peter, 26, light suit, gives her a stuffed heart, makes no
impression at all.
-Evan, 33, Erectile Dysfunction Doctor (seriously) who says
“God bless America” upon seeing Jojo. Maybe calm it down a smidge, guy?
-Wells, 31, radio DJ who says “you are so out of my league
it’s ridiculous” which is cute, but not especially appealing to hear, then he
pulls the singing group All-4-One out of his limo (have they been back there
all these years? Also, why are they using a numeral and a spelled out number in their name? Consistency is key! Who owns their band Style Guide? Ugh I'm such an Editor). They serenade Jojo with their hit “I Swear.” A strange
moment, but Wells seems like a unique, cool dude.
-Christian, 26, telecom consultant with a great smile drives
in on a motorcycle. Not too shabby.
-Luke, 31, war veteran from small town TX trots up on a
horse (or rather, a unicorn). Later on, as the guys are saying how cool and
pretty Jojo is, Luke says “she’s in the unicorn section—not crazy and hot.” WOW
I HATE YOU. Blerg. There’s nothing more tired than the trope that “bitches be
crazy!” and I was disappointed to hear Luke say that. We’ll see if he can
redeem himself.
And those are her suitors!
Jojo enters the house for a cocktail party and tiny Alex swoops her away
for some push ups and alone time. Jordan makes great use of his 1:1 time,
offering Jojo his suit jacket (I am a feminist but goddamn I love shit like
that!). Jojo spars with James F., the boxing club owner (who my podcast co-host
and I have decided looks like The Count from Sesame Street, but like, a hot
Count). Will makes a paper Cooty Catcher
(remember those from 5th grade?) that ends in Jojo being obligated
to kiss him and they have the most chaste, awkward kiss I’ve seen since Juan
Pablo and Sharleen.
During the cocktail party excitement, we get a better sense
of what the guys are like, as Chad lives up to his name (sorry, Chad I dated
briefly in HS) by mocking every single guy there and bragging about being
emotionless; Daniel pokes Evan in the belly button, strips down, then dives
into the pool; Nick S. disrupts Jojo’s interview with super drunken antics; and
Luke gives her a gift of cowboy boots.
The first impression rose goes to Jordan, predictably, and the couple
shares a hot kiss. Ali plays the piano for Jojo, James Taylor makes a good
impression on her, against all odds, and before we know it, it’s rose ceremony
time (probably 5:00 am or so).
BUT WAIT, a limo is pulling up and a guy in a suit wants to
interrupt the rose ceremony—who can it be now?
Jake “on the wings of love” Pavelka, the dolt of a former
Bachelor who chose the most hated participant of his season—Vienna. He shows up
because he’s family friends with Jojo and like a brother to her and for a
moment, Bachelor Nation wonders if this big brother is trying to get into her
dating pool (eww), but no, big bro is there to share his GEMS of advice: stay
open, don’t zero in, and don’t put your walls up. Wow Jake, thanks so much for
that advice. (ASIDE: Jake seems like a
star fucker/attention whore for sure, but I’ll admit that it seems like he’s
able to laugh at himself a bit, which I find refreshing. He had a brief cameo
in a comedy show I saw recently—was it BurningLove, the fake Bachelor show?—and
he was really funny and cool about it. )
OK, it’s FINALLY time for the most important flower these
losers will ever receive. Jordan “my
brother is Green Bay QB Aaron Rogers and it’s hard for me to deal with his
success” Rogers already has the first impression rose, so he’s safe (and
extremely handsome and appealing).
Who gets roses from Jojo next?
-Luke – silent cowboy
-Wells – CUTIE who has a very different energy about him and
might be a sort of Nick V. character (minus the desperation)
-James Taylor – I aint down on Copperline, but Jojo is
-Grant – hot firefighter yesssss
-Derek – corny dude with big ears (won’t last long)
-Christian – smiley hottie who addressed his biracial
heritage head-on and it was a refreshing moment for the Bachelor franchise
-Chad – ugh. This guy. You can already tell that Producers
are keeping him around to stir the pot. In his conversation with Jojo he said
that it’s hard to find girls who are confident and comfortable with themselves
and I HATE that kind of talk. Sorry that you are surrounding yourself with
shitty people—don’t blame WOMEN in general. Good luck, asshole—you’ll need it.
-Chase – Colorado hottie with good hair (facial and head)
-Alex – tiny military man. Let’s hope he has some larger suits
-Robby – congratulations, Blonde Will Forte
-Brandon – the floppy haired hipster made it through and I hope he packed some sunscreen!
-James F. – Boxing Gym owner/Hot Count
![]() |
This season has some serious look-alikes |
-Ali – handsome piano player who seems very nice
-Santa – ugh, who IS that guy?
-Will – I guess Jojo is a sucker for Cootie Catchers and bad
-James S. – Bachelor Superfan gets to move into the house. Enjoy
these next 2 weeks, buddy.
-Vinny – slimy DJ who literally said “I’m a good judgment of
character.” Keep on telling yourself that, Vin. And here’s hoping that your
buddy Pauly can cover you on the 1s and 2s while you’re in LA getting famous on
-Evan – very expressive floppy haired nerd who exclaimed “I
got one” after getting a rose. I understand that you’re happy and I don’t mean
to Emotion Shame you, but get it together.
-Daniel – DAMN DANIEL! The drunk Canadian moron gets a
rose!? That struck me as a power move to make the rejects feel like REAL
So who is heading home and most likely pleading with his
boss to get his old job back?
-Jonathan the kilt wearing hottie. A few idiots in the house
took issue with his kilt and I was thinking, do they not know that a jacket and
a kilt is traditional formalwear? My friggin’ uncle wears one to all our family
weddings—get a clue, boys!
-Coley the weird shaped head guy. Maybe wear a hat on the
first date next time?
-Peter in the light suit who we barely knew anything about.
-Nick S. also in a light suit who was much too drunk.
-Jake, who we learned less-than-nothing about.
And now our journey begins. Based on the previews, it looks
like Chad is going to terrorize the entire house, Jordan is going to have a
target on his back, Robby will keep up his Will Forte impression and MAY have a
girlfriend, and there will be tears.
(As always, I'll be recapping here and my pal Dava Krauss and I will be talking about every episode on our podcast, The Fantasy Suite.)
you're hilarious.
ReplyDeleteFinally got the chance to read this. So good!
ReplyDeleteFinally got the chance to read this. So good!
ReplyDeleteToo funny!!! But I think Jojo really does like Chad...?!