Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Short clip
Sorry I've been neglecting the 'ole blog lately. I'm too busy with other writing projects. But I'll definitely be back on this train when a fresh season of The Bachelor begins in January! I can hardly wait! In the meantime, here's a clip of me making fun of my heritage from a show back in July.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Busy Beeeeeee
I have shows almost every night this week, so you have ample opportunity to check me out all over NYC. Goodness gracious I'm tired just thinking about it. Should be a jazzy week, though.
Then next Sunday (10/16) is the lady comedian cocktail party that I organized. I mean to host these every few months, but 2011 kinda got away from me. But we're back in action! So if you're a comedy lady in NYC, come out to the Creek (7 train one stop out) in Long Island City for some Tecate and chit-chat at 5pm on Sunday. Should be rad.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Modern Love
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wow thanks
So many of the congratulations came from my fellow comedians, and it really speaks to how amazing that community can be. People often assume that the comedy scene in New York City must be cutthroat and hostile, but I've found it to be the opposite, for the most part. I've met so many amazing people here, and when new and exciting opportunities come up for peers (be it going to the Montreal Comedy Fest or doing a set on Fallon or getting a great new job), the majority of the community is genuinely thrilled for the person.
This weekend I caught up with two old friends a bit, Pete Schultz and Brandon Bassham. I met those guys in a sketch writing class at the Upright Citizens Brigade, when I first arrived in New York City, 5 years ago. Our sketch class had a few shows at UCB, and then ran a free show (called Black Habanero) in the basement of the Two Boots Pizzeria, where it was BYOB and audiences would watch sketch, standup, and improv. Brandon's teaching sketch for UCB now and running their fantastic new theater space in the East Village. Pete was just hired to write for Saturday Night Live, doing Weekend Update stories full-time. All of this recent excitement reminds me of a wonderful interview between Sean McCarthy (of The Comic's Comic) and legendary storyteller Tom Shillue.
What tip would you give to any comedian who moves here? Comedy is a community. Other comics are your resource. Comics who are on your level -- that's important. A lot of comics are restless -- they want to network with the pros who they perceive as 'one level up' from them. Those guys can't help you much. It's your peers that will help you. Forget the dog-eat-dog stuff; like it's just you and your jokes against the world. That used to work, but not anymore. Make friends with people who make you laugh, produce shows together, build an audience together. Don't worry about trying to climb your way up the comedy scene, just hold hands with your friends and you'll all rise up like a balloon, laughing along the way.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Book Deal!
This week my book deal was announced on Publishers Marketplace! The posting can only be seen if you have an account with the website, so I'm pasting the announcement here, with a tiny screen shot below, too.
I'm absolutely thrilled and so thankful to my brilliant literary agent, Elizabeth Evans, and the wonderful Stephanie Meyers at Harper Collins. "The New Rules for Blondes" will be published in fall 2012 by It books, which is an imprint of Harper Collins on which Steven Adler published HIS memoir. Could it be more perfect?
September 14, 2011 | |||||
Non-fiction: Humor | NYC-based Comedian Selena Coppock's debut THE NEW RULES FOR BLONDES, a collection of essays celebrating and subverting the blonde stereotype, to Stephanie Meyers at It Books, for publication in fall 2012, by Elizabeth Evans at Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency (World English). |
And here's the screen shot (taken by my buddy Heather Brady):

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
NY Times article
Interesting piece about how in American culture, so many women work so hard to preserve their youth (looks-wise), but are forgetting that the biological clock keeps on ticking, even if you have great abs and full hair at 40.
Baby and fertility stuff is such a minefield and can make so many conversations unintentionally uncomfortable. I have friends who have dealt with infertility and difficulty on that front, and it's heartbreaking. You just want your loved ones to have whatever they want out of this life, and to not be grilled about it by strangers or clueless relatives.
I've found that most people simply assume that every young woman wants to get married and have babies. If your life plan differs from that two-step at all, brace yourself for dirty looks and comments like, "Who doesn't like BABIES?" (And assumptions that you must be a selfish and terrible person who pretends to be friendly, but actually burns onesies by moonlight.)
On stage, I sometimes joke that I've always never wanted children, but it's true. I've never imagined having kids. I've never had an impulse or instinct to be a caretaker to babies. I babysat a bit in high school and was a camp counselor one summer, but never really loved either job. Raising babies isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I wish that more people (usually strangers) would be a bit more mindful of that. Why is it that everyone can understand that, for example, some people like the music of Motley Crue, and others don't. Others HATE that music, in fact. Why not the same with kids?
I want what I want out of MY life and you want what you want out of YOUR life, and those things might be completely opposite, and that's OK. As my lovely co-worker Calvin says (in a hilarious voice, while he does the 'ole weave pat), "Do you."
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Bachelorette Finale
Monday night was the finale of Ashley’s season of The Bachelorette, and in typical Bachelorette fashion, we were thrown for a loop. When will I learn that these ABC producers are tricksters?
On Sunday night, those rats at ABC broadcast “The Men Tell All” special on a completely random night and without any fanfare. What the heck, ABC? Thank goodness my old Hamiltones friend Ben alerted me, so I could tune in. What went down? Well, William (the wanna-be standup comedian) is still a complete pussface. Nick (poor man’s Chad Kroeger) got hot and his hair is darker now (nice). Constantine looked less ugly than before. That guy Tim who got drunk and passed out on night 1 turns out to be a pretty cool dude with a nice arm tattoo. Bentley was too chicken to come back and face the fact that he’s a sociopath. Ryan is still too smiley and annoying. That’s pretty much it.
The episode started off with Ashley roaming the beaches of Fiji by her lonesome. Nearby, her family sat casually in direct, pounding sunlight. Her family is comprised of a lumberjack-like stepfather, a seemingly normal mom, a brunette sister whose body is covered in tattoos, and a brother who probably listens to radio stations that play exclusively “blazin’ R&B.” I can just tell. R&B brother proceeded to wipe sweat off his face with a large towel for the majority of the episode. Wiping one’s sweaty face profusely isn’t the worst thing in the world, I suppose. Especially not when compared to the activities Ashley’s sister. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
JP was up for the family visit first and he made a great impression—jokes all around, cute chit-chat, toasts. Good times overall. Ashley’s sister, Tats McGee (as my best friend Suzanne nicknamed her), didn’t see what I saw (between JP and Ashley) and was very vocal about it. After a quick lunch, Tats McGee, Ashley, and their mother adjourned for a talk during which Tats McGee dropped some bombshells and was pretty harsh. She kept saying that she’s the “rational one” (rational enough to get tattoos on 70% of her body) and that she “just didn’t see it” between JP and Ashley. Ashley was really offended and felt understandably defensive on JP’s behalf. Things only got worse when Tats McGee and JP sat down for a 1:1 talk and Tats pulled no punches. I was impressed with how JP handled her aggressive comments, because I know that I probably would have flipped a table and given her my (patented) horizontal middle-finger. Nonetheless, Tats harsh skepticism seemed to drive a wedge between JP and Ashley and they date didn’t end on great terms.
JP’s misfortune was Ben’s good fortune, as Ashley essentially put on a show for her family once Ben arrived. They were hyper-animated, goofy, and doing dog voices, as if to say, “Hey Tats McGee, ya like this? Is THIS how I act when I’m comfortable? Why don’t you tell me how I act because I don’t know.” Tats McGee had remarked that she thought Ashley was herself when she brought Brad “Hot Dummy” Womack home last season. Really? Throughout her time with Brad, Ashley always seemed VERY anxious, needy, and insecure. Perhaps Tats McGee should go back to crafting herself into Jesse James’ dream date and easy up on the analysis of the “real Ashley.” The family loved Ben, Ben loved the family, and the brother kept wiping himself.
Ashley had evening dates with each of the guys and Ben went first, where he dropped the L bomb on Ashley. She couldn’t reciprocate, but according to Ben, her kisses were intense and were her way of saying, “I love you, too.” (Note to self: That’s never the case.) The next night Ashley had 1:1 evening time with JP and things seemed a bit stilted, still. At the end of the date, JP gave Ashley a photo album with a sweet (and by sweet, I really mean cringe-worthy) message inside.
The next day both JP and Ben met with Neil Lane to go “ring shopping” (more like prop borrowing, but who’s keeping track of multi-million dollar rings? Oh, Neil Lane is.) I had almost forgotten about the final vestige of heteronormative traditions: THE BLOOD DIAMOND! What sham proposal would be complete without a ring for which impoverished children in western Africa probably died? (Yes, I’m getting political up in this Bachelorette recap!) Ben picks an ornate, antique-looking ring while JP picks a trendier, square cut. Just cause I hate diamonds personally doesn’t mean I’m clueless about them.
Finally it’s the big day. Ashley is standing on a runway/stage thing on the beach. Both men arrive by sea plane and, if you’re a Bach die-hard, you know that usually the first arrival is the one who is getting negged. Who flew in first? One half of the Monkey Twins, Ben. I admired Ben’s confidence throughout this journey, but it ultimately made him look very foolish. When he reached Ashley, it was obvious that she was about to start in on the ‘ole “You’re such a lovely person but I would be fine with never seeing you again my life” talk, but he jumped the gun and dropped to his knee, took a breath, and launched in on the proposal. Oh man. Ashley had to awkwardly help him up and try to start explaining, but Ben just said, “That’s that” or something along those lines. Good move, Ben. If somebody isn’t interested, it doesn’t matter WHY. You don’t need to “figure it out.” You just walk away. That’s that. To combine a quote from Bonnie Raitt and another from my great friend Mary Beth, I can’t make you love me and I am who I am without apologies. And we’re done here.
JP showed up next and pulled the “knee drop” maneuver (not to be confused with Sun Drop dance, which features my great friend Maggie Champagne doing it UP in the commercials!), only this time Ashley was feeling it. They get engaged, make out in the ocean, live happily ever after.
And so ends another season of The Bachelorette. But we won’t start suffering through Bach withdrawal, pussycats. Next week we have a 2nd season of The Bachelor Pad kicking off! As I explained to my friend—it’s like The Real World, but with more STDs and less brains (yes, it’s possible).
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Bachelorette: Hometown Dates

Ames, is that a silk shirt?
Last night we watched as Ashley and her harem of boys returned from the Orient to embark on a whirlwind week of hometown dates. It was quite a thrill-ride, featuring one dollar bills being thrown at Ashley, cheesy jokes (literally with shredded cheese), the sweet sounds of REO Speedwagon, and of course, tears.
Ashley’s first hometown visit was Constantine in Cummings, GA. Who knew that they grew ‘em THAT Greek in Georgia? Constantine’s SUPER GREEK family owns an Italian restaurant, which is staffed by comely young ladies who freelance as peeping Toms. Dinner at Constantine’s family’s McMansion was jovial, then the party turned up to 11 when the entire extended family showed up. Like a scene from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” cousins, aunts, nieces, and nephews came bounding into the house and began dancing and drinking. The family was rowdy, fun, and emotional, which was in stark contrast with Ashley’s next visit to meet Ames’s family.
Ames hails from Chadds Ford, PA and must be a WASP. He’s never said outright, “I’m a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant,” but a few clues give it away: (1) He went to boarding school for high school; (2) After that, Ivy League education; (3) his mother AND sister were both wearing white pants and tasteful, minimal jewelry; (4) his family is perfectly nice, but not very emotional. They struck me as very reasonable and logical, which is the centerpiece of WASP life. Ashley gets along with his family very well, but mentions that she doesn’t feel a spark of passion with Ames. Ames takes her for a sweet picnic beneath a magnolia tree, where he talks about an Italian phrase that means being romantic in everyday life. Ames, your knowledge of romance languages is impressive, but it’s not HOT. It’s not “random make-out after a long night of drunken flirting” HOT. It’s not “attend a Red Sox/Yankees game at Yankee Stadium and end up seated next to a cute stranger with a sick Boston accent who you then invite to your birthday party that night, where you flirt like crazy” HOT. It’s not “start reading this dude’s hilarious blog, then meet him in real life and hit it off, but he has a GF, but then he breaks up with his GF and shows up at one of your standup shows” HOT. There’s just no spark between Ashley and Ames, sadly.
Ashley then jets off to Sonoma, CA to see Ben and meet his mother and sister. Ben repeatedly threw out some painfully bad grammar errors, talking about, “Ashley and I’s relationship” while I tried to stop myself from throwing a hammer at my television. People—it’s not “Ashley and I’s” it’s frigging “Ashley’s and my relationship”—how hard is this!? Or better yet, just say “My relationship with Ashley blah blah blah.” Rant over. The visit goes well overall, but I feel like Ben’s tears about his late father were exploited by the producers of The Bachelorette. Somehow, I expected more from them. I know, I know—when will I learn?
The final stop is Long Island, New York (more specifically, Roslyn, NY) where Ashley meets JP’s family. But before they eat dinner at his boyhood home, Ashley and JP skate a few laps around a roller rink to REO Speedwagon’s “I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore” while a disco ball spins overhead. Nothing says “Hot Passion” quite like the birthday party activities of our awkward and ugly adolescent years, right? Ashley has a great chat with JP’s mother and they hold hands at one point. Weird.
Then we’re back in the bachelor mansion in Los Angeles and Ashley’s wearing a see-through black mini-dress. The boys are assembled in dark suits, except for Ames, who is wearing a tan suit. That “one of these things is not like the other” tan suit portends heartbreak for sweet WASP Ames.
What’s the order that Ashley gives out the roses (interrupted only by Chris Harrison, to remind us of the final rose)?
Ben – 1st rose! Congrats! Dude appears to have gotten an ill-advised haircut. Stop listening to your mother!
JP – 2nd rose. Apparently the way to Ashley’s heart involves stops at tween dating meccas. What will their next date be? Cruising the mall?
Constantine – 3rd rose. Both monkey twins made it to the top 3! This is insanity!
Ashley walks Ames out and he handles it well. She doesn’t give much explanation, in fact—Ames ends up doing more of the talking and almost apologizing. Sweet Ames, the tabloids speculate that you’re dating a fellow Bachelor reject, and I hope it’s true. There’s a fellow WASP somewhere out there for you.
Up next, the boys and Ashley head to Fiji, where Ashley’s family gets to meet the harem. Brace yourself for Ashley’s sister—her body is covered in tattoos, and her “advice” to Ashley is covered in judgment. Should make for great television.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bachelorette Recap: Ep 7
Last week’s “Bachelorette” was a repeat because some Americans celebrate our nation’s birth by watching fireworks, rather than by voyeuristiclly watching heartbreak and embarrassment offered up for public consumption. You can probably guess which one I think is more “American” to be watching, but that’s neither here nor there. Nor over there.
This week the six remaining guys (Monkey Twins Ben & Constantine, wide-set-eyes Ames, sweetheart JP, straight-laced Lucas and Guy Smiley Ryan) and Ashley flew to Taiwan for their last week in the Orient. (Unrelated aside: the theme for my oldest sister’s prom was Oriental Mystique which, in retrospect, sounds kinda racist. How ya like them random tidbits? My mind is like a steel trap for useless minutiae!) Chris Harrison greets the guys in Taiwan and informs them that this week’s events will include three 1:1 dates and a group date (3:1).
The first 1:1 date goes to one half of the Monkey Twins, Constantine. As a gal who once recreationally stalked a D list celebrity named Constantine (Maroulis, baby! Rock of Ages! American Idol reject!), I appreciate his name. I don’t appreciate his droopy eyes and weird hair, but that’s just me being judgmental from beneath my head of good hair. Ashley and Constantine take a quaint train to a village where the locals are preparing for a nighttime lantern ceremony. The two of them paint the sides of a paper lantern with hearts and words like “family” as wishes, which seems weird because you can’t simply wish for a family. If you want to build a family, go get knocked up. Don’t sit at home and try to wish or “Secret” that action, ya know? Later that night, they put a small fire beneath the lantern and send it floating into the night sky. The whole thing is gorgeous, but seems like it might be a HUGE fire hazard, especially if the weather has been dry. But I’m not a forest firefighter, what do I know? I just know that firefighters are generally hot and I wave at them when NYFD trucks pass me on the street. Constantine seems shockingly normal and I think that perhaps I judged the Monkey Twins too soon. Over dinner, he explains that he’s enjoying this whole experience, but that he is just taking it one day at a time and seeing how it goes. Thank you for not being a crazy person, Constantine! You used to drive me bananas, but now I’m digging you. Good work. Ashley & Constantine make-out and the date goes well, overall.
The next 1:1 date is Ben, the other half of the Monkey Twins. Ben & Ashley hop on a scooter. Nice helmets, tools! Safety is for losers! (Woa woa woa—my apologies—this recap was just hijacked by the beefcake dude from “Revenge of the Nerds.” I’ve wrangled it back from him. Sorry about that.) They tool around and Ben makes corny remarks about how it’s hard to keep his eye on the road because he wants to check on the “precious cargo” behind him. Man, Ben and Ashley might be perfect for each other after all. They walk across a rope bridge in the jungle, stopping in the middle to make out, which is so spontaneous and I’m sure the film crew totally didn’t suggest that they do that. Later that night they have dinner and a great conversation and I gotta say, these two seem pretty serious.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel, the remaining guys notice that Ben didn’t come back after his date. He strolls in during breakfast, but of course he didn’t stay in a room with Ashley—that’s saved for the final date when the couple may “choose to forgo their individual rooms for a night in the fantasy suite.” Hasn’t everyone memorized that note card and watched the participants’ feigned surprise a million times by now? (Just me? Others are out there foregoing ACTUAL rooms in REAL life while on their own dates? Huh? What are you talking about?)
It’s time for the 3:1 date and JP, Ames, and Lucas get to take wedding photos with Ashley! What fun! Up next they’ll have a date that is spent preparing taxes, or maybe the thrilling experience of closing on a house if they want to get REALLY rowdy! In Lucas and Ashley’s photos they both wear dresses and kiss (which makes JP crazy), in Ames and Ashley’s photo they dress up like 1960s lounge singers (huh?), and JP scores the most traditional wedding photos with him in a tux and Ashley in white. After the photo shoot they all change and have drinks and JP scores a rose by being the most needy of the trio. Way to reward annoying behavior, Ashley! Lucas continues to be pretty stiff and straight-laced, while Ames loosens up a bit (despite his pink pants), by showing Ashley some old family photos.
Ryan has the final 1:1 and he can’t hide his excitement about it, which is sweet, but also a bit unappealing. My theory is that Ryan has made it this far because he has flown under the radar and Ashley hasn’t gotten a full taste of just how annoying he is. All the guys in the house have, but he and Ashley haven’t had a 1:1 yet, so she’s only seen Ryan in small doses, which can be tolerable. But she figures it out quickly and sends him home mid-date, which was amazing to watch. Ryan’s facial expressions as he processes the fact that he’s being negged were precious and delightful. Once he’s alone, Ryan gives his two cents (to the camera) and starts crying, which made me feel bad for him a tiny bit. At least we all learned something useful from Ryan: tankless water heaters are the way to go.
It’s time for a rose ceremony without the cocktail party, which makes me wonder—could these guys request cocktails anyway? There’s no cocktail party, but dudes probably want a stiff drink, ya know? The dudes look handsome, but Ashley’s dress (with hip cut-outs) is not a great choice. You could be Heidi Klum and hip cut-outs are not going to do you any favors. (Neither is pale pink on pale white women, but we’ll get into that another time.) Ashley hands out the roses and who doesn’t get one? Straight-laced Lucas. He handles it gracefully and heads off into the Taiwanese night.
Up next week, hometown dates! From the preview, what we will learn is that Ames and his family live on a sleigh, Constantine’s family does a whole lotta group dancing and throwing of dollar bills, JP was raised in a roller rink, and Ben’s family (and late father) are inordinately proud of their son for going on a reality TV dating show.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bachelorette: Episode 6
Last night’s episode was monumental, as we saw the (brief) return of cro-magnon con man Bentley, the voluntary exit of a great guy, and a whole lot of tears.
The crew relocated from Thailand to Hong Kong, China and set up shop in a nice hotel. When the episode opens, Chris “Part Time Therapist” Harrison is trying to give Ashley some tough love about Bentley. She STILL can’t shake him (ugh), even though he is named after an overpriced and ostentatious type of car, he has been gone for three weeks AND she’s been in three different locations since he left. Ashley insists that she’ll gain some “closure” by speaking with him again, which is moronic. As my wise older sister Laurel taught me (both of my big sisters are wise and wonderful, but Laurel was the one who taught me this), when you reach out to a guy and claim it’s for “closure,” it really isn’t and you’re actually hoping to restart things. Get real with yourself (to quote Dr. Phil.) If you want closure, you have to give it to yourself by moving forward and deciding that you’re DONE with this situation. Ashley should adopt the strategy of Don Draper (circa Mad Men season 1) and be like a train rolling down the tracks in ONE direction, never looking back. (I know that trains can’t look backward, but you get what I mean). Chris Harrison dutifully orchestrates a meet-up between Bentley and Ashley and encourages her to say what she needs to say and be done with it. I’m convinced that the producers must have shown her Bentley’s outtakes (when he says that he doesn’t like Ashley, he wishes the bacehlorette were Emily, etc) because she had a QUICK change of heart while she was talking to Bentley. Whatever she did to gain some self-respect, I’m just glad she did. They had a talk, said goodbye, and the Bentley era is over (much like the era when Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck used to cruise around Los Angeles IN a Bentley- heyo! Bentley jokes, people!)
Lucas got the first 1:1 date and to refresh your memory, he’s the TX oil guy who plays golf, seems like a little uptight, and wears a big ring. I’m not averse to dudes in rings, but Lucas cannot pull off this look. I bet that ring is inscribed with something like, “Never Forget the Alamo.” They explore Hong Kong and have dinner on a boat, which gives us lots of shots of their heads bobbing up and down along the horizon. Who knew that you could feel sea sick while sitting on your own couch and chugging white wine? (Everyone.) Lucas talks about his first marriage and they kiss. A pretty forgetable date, but Lucas scored a rose from it.
Up next is a group date which is Dragon Boat Racing with Ames (big head Yale/Harvard guy), Ryan (guy with an annoyingly positive attitude), Blake (bland dentist), Mickey (spiked hair hottie) and the Monkey Twins: Constantine and Ben. The guys divide up into pairs and have to recruit locals to help them row. The Monkey Twins find this task extremely difficult, but perhaps because they both resemble unshowered, overgrown primates. Nobody else has a problem recruiting rowers—not even Ames, whose eyes are so far apart that he almost resembles a fish. Ames and Mickey win the race and the “prize” is a sense of personal accomplishment, it seems. The crew goes to a roof deck for the dragon boat race after party, where Ames finally does something cool for once in his life, and makes out with Ashley (HARD) in the elevator. I bet they don’t teach that maneuver at Yale, so how’d he learn it? Ashley gives Ryan the rose on this date, and Ryan becomes the Vienna of this season of The Bachelorette. For the uninitiated, when Jake (the pilot/super cheeseball) was the bachelor a few seasons back, that season was called The Bachelor: On The Wings of Love (barf, I know) and Vienna was the most divisive girl in the house. She was pretty “Dub Tee” as we might say (white trash) and every other girl thought that if Jake wanted a girl like Vienna, they didn’t even want to compete. Ryan is getting the same treatment right now and I kinda feel bad for the guy, but MAN he seems annoying.
Up next is a 1:1 with sweetheart construction manager J.P. Ashley appears to be wearing a silk nightgown over black jeans which highlights the fact that she’s completely bo-legged. How did I miss this before? J.P. and Ashley eat dinner, flirt, and make out in a weird train. Over dinner, Ashley tells J.P. about the recent Bentley news and he handles it gracefully. If I were J.P., probably would have been like, “Why are you telling me this!? It’s NOT necessary! Sometimes honesty is NOT the best policy! There are some things that simply do NOT need to be shared!” which is what I was screaming at my television. J.P. got a rose and those two lovebirds are going to be puking into one another’s mouths (BIRD STYLE) in no time. (Yes, I just quoted a piece of my own standup. If you want to see more, come to Luca Lounge (Ave B between 13/14) Wednesday night at 7pm!)
Time for a cocktail party/rose ceremony and Ashley’s silver dress is 90% gorgeous The spaghetti straps in back are NOT the best, but everything else about the dress is perfect. I’m something of an anti-spaghetti strap activist, though. (I’m also pro-choice and a democrat with libertarian tendencies, but my anti-spaghetti strap activism comes before anything else.) First off, straps named after a type of pasta weird me out. Second, that type of strap is so thin that it tends to make the wearer look really broad-shouldered and linebacker-y, no matter what her size. Just don’t do it. But I digress. Ashley informs ALL of the guys about the recent Bentley visit and many of them are, understandably, pretty pissed. She basically just told them that for 3 weeks she has been pining over a jerk and she’s FINALLY over him now and ready for this sweet batch of second bananas. Mickey’s offended and decides to leave, taking his spiky hair, nice tan, and sweet jaw line back to Cali. Ashley starts crying and pleads with the guys to stick with this process. I hate to be a hater, but her speech felt a little bit needy and sad. Meh.
Who got the boot? Bland fellow dentist Blake. It was pretty harsh because he reacted to the Bentley news pretty badly, then when he saw Ashley crying “his heart melted” (his words, not mine!), then he got negged in the face nonetheless. Ahh well, thems the breaks.